Karylle, Akihiro and Vince with Movies, Massages, Fire, and Relaxation at BlueWater Day Spa

There aren’t a lot of other places where you can watch a movie and get a massage AT THE SAME TIME! As such, I simply had to go to the ribbon cutting of BlueWater Day Spa’s new branch with yet another movie theater spa!

BlueWater Day Spa Tomas Morato Movie Theater Massage Quezon City 065

BlueWater Day Spa is known for their blend of luxury and innovation. No other massage parlor or movie theater in the Philippines will let you enjoy the tranquility and comfort of a massage while you watch your favorite movies on a high definition big screen!

Blue Water Day Spa Massage Manila Philippines

Well, now that you know all about the Movie Theater Massage Spa room, I want to introduce you to another cool treatment at BlueWater Day Spa. This time, you won’t just see fire on the big screen!

BlueWater Day Spa Tomas Morato Movie Theater Massage Quezon City 086

At the ribbon cutting for the new BlueWater Day Spa in Tomas Morato, Quezon City; my friends from BlueWater Day Spa explained a list of special treatments that they have. They have all sorts of unique therapies like the “Chocolate Slimming Mud Therapy,” “Cellulite Melter Massages,” “Brazilian Crystal Massages,” “Traditional Filipino Massages,” “Herbal Massages,” body scrubs, facials, and so much more!

However, the coolest part of it all is that they actually showed us one of the treatments: their Tibetan Meridian Fire Therapy!

Tibetan Meridian Fire Therapy

Fire is not simply for burning, it is the power behind all transformations within the mind, body and spirit. It can create energy, warmth growth, healing and vigor.

The Tibetan Meridian Fire Therapy Massage eliminates excess fat cells, water and toxins in our bodies; it improvesย blood circulationย and lymph drain; firms and shapes skin on the treated area; reduces the appearance of loose,sagging skin; significantly reduces gastro discomfort, stomach cramps andย menstrual pain; regularizes theย menstrual cycle; boosts the immune system; deep cleanses the skin; and relaxes the mind and body.

Blue Water Day Spaโ€™s Tibetan Fire Meridian therapy is a 45 minute treatment starting with a hard massage then fire then another hard massage. This treatment takes 30-45 minutes. Effects are evident even right after therapy.ย Though therapy can be applied everyday (depending on the clientโ€™s tolerance), it is recommended to do the treatment at leastย three times a week.

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Anyway, it looks really cool and these people seem to know what they’re talking about. You can see a full list of all of their luxurious services, treatments, therapies and more on their website.

Oh, and of course, I got to meet so many cool people and celebrities at the ribbon cutting event like: Honorable Senator Jinggoy Estrada, Karylle Tatlonghari, Akihiro Sato, Boom Labrusca, Alfrancis Chua, Bing Limjoco, Lucien Dy Tioco, Pepito Olarte, Sari Yap, and more! Guess there’s a lot of famous people who love BlueWater Day Spa, too!

BlueWater Day Spa Tomas Morato Movie Theater Massage Quezon City 075

BlueWater Day Spa Tomas Morato Movie Theater Massage Quezon City 055

BlueWater Day Spa Tomas Morato Movie Theater Massage Quezon City 091

So next time, When In Manila, come play with fire while harnessing it’s healing powers! Get a Tibetan Meridian Fire Therapy at BlueWater Day Spa! You can also get other treatments from a wide range of massages, facials, and therapies that they have. Just check out their website for more info. I highly recommend their Massage & Movie treatment. You’ll get to hang out in their Movie Theater Spa while getting the most relaxing massage in their custom-built La-Z boy chairs! Only at BlueWater Day Spa! Oh oh oh, and do keep an eye out for any celebrities getting their treatments there!

Check out our original post about BlueWater Day Spa here.

BlueWater Day Spa

7240426 / 7278420

Website: https://www.bluewaterdayspa.com

****Movie Theater massages are only available at the Ortigas and Tomas Morato branches of BlueWater Day Spa


  1. FLiTz June 4, 2010
  2. Gen June 4, 2010