
ENTERTAINMENT: Moonstar88 to turn into ‘metal band’ and write ‘Torete nang ina mo!’

moonstar standing

Moonstar88 is a Filipino band formed in 1999. Hence, this year, they are celebrating 19 years of rocking existence. In line with this, the band made a post about them planning to turn into a “metal band.”

Funnily, they also said that they will create a songย Torete nang ina mo, a play on words on their hit single,ย Torete.

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They also rewrote lyrics forย Migraine, which they calledย Migraine R18 version.

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How about a “metal version” ofย Sulat?

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And changing their name to Moonstar666? Bet?

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Then asking to be included in the Rakrakan Festival.

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Torete nang ina moย would be cool, right?

Wonder what they plan to do next yearย when they turn 20…

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